I met a landscaper onsite this morning to discuss retaining walls and to my surprise I was able to have a look inside again.
The good news is the tilers have finished but the bad news is there are some problems.
Some background info first. Tile selection was through Beaumont Tiles and they sold me on upgrades to the bath tub trim, soap holders, upgraded feature tiles and inceased tile height in the ensuite along one wall. All up it came to a grand total of $759.68 and the invoice clearly states it included labour for the upgrades. Not a great deal in the overall scheme of things but a lot when you don't actually get the things you paid for.
The problem is the only thing that has been done was the upgraded feature tiles in both showers. The trim on the bathtub is white not silver, the soap holders are the standard ones instead of the ones I picked which had a shelf to hold shampoo bottles and the biggie.... they didn't increase the tile height in the ensuite.
Now I don't know who is to blame here but I am thinking it is partly Beaumont Tiles and partly Allworth. Beaumont tiles have clearly supplied the wrong soap holders and bathtub trim but there are stacks of tiles left over in the lounge room so I think Beaumont supplied enough to tile the ensuite to the correct height.
From what I can gather, Beaumont only supplied the stuff and Allworth provided the labour. If this is the case it clearly doesn't work very well since I paid Beaumont for the labour. It could explain why they have changed suppliers to one who supplies and installs, pity that change happened shortly after I had already done the tile selection!!!
I called Allworth last week about something else and they were supposed to call me back but didn't. Looks like I will be on the phone to them first thing Monday morning.
It's a shame as things have been going quite smoothly up until now. Still I suppose there are bound to be some hiccups on such a big project. Let's hope Allworth will be able to sort this mess out. Stay tuned.
The front verandah has now been grouted
Ensuite shower screen has been installed
Ensuite mirror has been installed
Main bathroom mirror is also in
Spa bath all nicely tiled. The top edge should be silver like the shower screen
The huge shower in the main bathroom
Inside the appliance cupboard. There will be a power point on the bottom so you can plug your toaster and kettle in then simple close to cupboard to hide them away when not in use