The rain has held off long enough for the painters to finish off the outside bits, the gas has been connected, a concrete pad has been laid for the hot water tank and the electrician and plumbers were there today doing their bits.
I think all that's left is the fly screens, rehang the internal doors, house clean and site cleanup.
I'm not sure about the colour of the downpipes matching the guttering now that I have seen them painted. I had looked at lots of houses with similar colouring and they either had the downpipes the same as the guttering or the same as the fascia board. I thought the same as the guttering looked better but now..... maybe it will look better once the landscaping is done.
The water tank is a bit of an eyesore isn't it. Good thing it's hidden behing the garage. I should be able to screen it with something. This side of the house is where all the ugly stuff goes as the air conditioning outside unit will sit against the side of the garage.
I may have to repaint the front pillars as they look a bit too light. Like the downpipes, maybe they will look better once the landscaping is done. I can't blame Allworth for the colours as they were my choices ;-)