From what I can see through the windows, it also looks like all the architraves have been completed.
I received a call from Allworth today requesting payment of progress payments three and four which is fair as progress payment three stage was completed weeks ago. Can't remember if I explained how the progress payments work but this is what happens.
Allworth issue the first four progress invoices all at once for the fixed amounts listed in the contract with the fifth and final payment being issued once all variations have been taken into account. They then phone at the completion of each stage requesting payment. It all seems to work quite well as all payment requests so far have been made well after the stage has been completed. I just hope there are no nasty surprises in that final invoice.
Anyway, the lady mentioned that the tilers were due in later this week and when they are finished the painters will follow. Depending on the size of the house, painting can take up to ten days to complete. Once painting is completed it is usually around three weeks until completion so I had better pull my finger out and make up my mind on which tiles and carpets I want for the rest of the house!
The photos were taken through the windows after work on overcast days (it's a real bugger now daylight savings has finished). There wasn't much light and I had to turn the flash off otherwise it lit up the window and you couldn't see anything so that explains why they are quite dark. The ensuite vanity shot was takes on full zoom which made it look even worse.
I will try to get some better pics on the weekend.
The Tasmanian Oak cupboards look darker than expected but I'm sure once the light floor tiles, bench and splashback are installed won't look so dark. The kitchen faces west so will also get the afternoon sun.
I'm not so sure I like the handles I chose now that I see them on the cupboards but I can live with them and just like an ugly baby, they will still look good to the owner ;-)
Anyway, anything is better that the horrible 70's colour scheme of the house I am currently in!!!
On the down side, the roof has received some minor damage. Since it was completed I haven't really look up there much but I did notice this the other day. The last time I took a photo of this section was on the 3/04/09 and it was fine then. I'm sure it will be fixed by the time completion comes around though.